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Why Oil Temperature Increasing of Hydraulic Press MachineUpdate:2022-07-28     Hits:301

The oil temperature of hydraulic press machine should be appropriate, and the oil temperature of the oil tank should not exceed 60 °C. It is more appropriate to control it to work within the range of 35 to 55 °C. From a maintenance point of view, too high oil temperature should also be absolutely avoided. If the oil temperature rises abnormally, it should be checked.

hydraulic press machine installing testing training

Common reasons are as follows:
1. The viscosity of the oil is too high.
2. The oil quality deteriorates and the resistance increases.
3. The performance of the cooler is not good, such as insufficient water, scale in the pipe, etc.

4. Air in the circuit should be completely purged. After the air enters the circuit, because the volume of the gas is inversely proportional to the pressure, the movement of the hydraulic cylinder will also be affected with the change of the load, so air mixing should be avoided). In addition, air is an important cause of oil deterioration and heat generation.

Goodsjack Hydraulic Machinery, we are hydraulic press machine solution with more than twenty years experience.If you need hydraulic press machine or question about hydraulic press,welcome to contact us.